Monday, May 03, 2010


Complete the mask "chapter" of your sketchbook using the following links to help you:
Today is the ONLY day you will have in the computer lab.

  • DO THIS FIRST!!  On pages 6-7, use the website masks of the world to find examples of masks that might inspire your own alter ego mask.
  • On page 2, complete the definitions for the unit vocabulary in YOUR OWN WORDS! You might have to check a few different websites if you don't understand one definition...that's okay to do! :)  Click here for a good art dictionary.
  • If you have time, begin/continue working on sketches on pages 8-9 that uses the masks you have seen today as inspiration for your brainstorming.

Tomorrow, we will meet back in the classroom to continue working towards our final idea.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ms. Serbe
Ropa Escultura del proyecto
Buscar que el Internet! Search It! ¡Hazlo!
+20 puntos

¿Qué debo hacer?? Leer este blog, haga clic en los enlaces, y responder todas las preguntas azul en la hoja de cálculo (incluidos los dibujos).

¿Qué pieza de ropa se le toma como su escultura?
(Sólo 1 pieza de ropa.)


¿Qué quieres que la gente piense cuando vea su escultura?


De los sitios web de búsqueda a continuación, utilizando el nombre de la ropa que usted está haciendo. (Ejemplo: "vestir", "jeans", "capucha"). Las fotos Sketch dos mejores que usted encuentra en su hoja de cálculo.

Google Images

Old Navy
Neiman Marcus

(Ropa Deportes: fútbol World Soccer Shop - Todos deportes Nike )

Nuevo artista!
Yinka Shonibare

Hace esculturas con la ropa.
En sus esculturas, las prendas de vestir envía un mensaje. El tejido envía un mensaje.
El mensaje es generalmente cerca de África y Europa - la historia y la opresión.

Yinka Shonibare. ¿Cómo hacer estallar dos jefes a la vez (Damas).
La vida de dos maniquíes de tamaño natural de fibra de vidrio, dos armas de fuego, cera de neerlandesa impresa algodón, zapatos, botas de montar de cuero.

¿Por qué crees que las mujeres están usando tejidos de estilo africano?
¿Cree usted que estas son las mujeres africanas?
¿Por qué crees que hizo dos mujeres apuntando sus armas a los demás?


Yinka Shonibare, Reparto de África.
14 maniquíes, 14 sillas y la mesa

El artista dice ...
"Fue cuando África estaba dividido. Fue en Europa ... Y la conferencia fue llamado reparto de África. Así que sobre la mesa hay un mapa de África dibujado. Así que es capturar un momento en que todas estas personas sin cerebro tiene alrededor de la de mesa - sin cabeza, sin cerebro - en realidad a repartir el botín [de África] entre sí. "

¿Cree usted que la mayoría de la gente a entender esta escultura? ¿Por qué o por qué no?

Escribe cuatro más cosas acerca de Yinka Shonibare o su obra de arte.

Mira aquí o en la Wikipedia o en cualquier otro lugar que desee.


Crédito extra!

Buscar más imágenes de su prenda de vestir en Google y dibujo en el dorso de la hoja de cálculo.
Buscar más imágenes de Yinka Shonibare en las imágenes de Google y dibujo en el reverso de la hoja de cálculo.

Ms. Serbe
Clothing Sculpture Project
Search that Internet! Search it! Do it!
+20 points

What do I do?? Read this blog, click on the links, and answer all the blue questions on the worksheet (including drawings).

What piece of clothing are you making as your sculpture?
(Only 1 piece of clothing.)


What message do you want people to think about when they see your sculpture?


Search the web sites below using the name of the clothing you are making. (Example "dress", "jeans", "hoodie"). Sketch the two best pictures you find on your worksheet.

Google Images
Old Navy
Neiman Marcus

(Sports Clothes: Soccer World Soccer Shop - Al l Sports at Nike )

New Artist!
Yinka Shonibare

He makes sculptures with clothing.

In his sculptures, the clothing sends a message. The fabric sends a message.

The message is usually about Africa and Europe - history and oppression.

Yinka Shonibare MBE.
How to Blow Up Two Heads at Once (Ladies).
Two life-size fiberglass mannequins, two guns, Dutch wax printed cotton, shoes, leather riding boots.

Why do you think the women are wearing African-style fabrics? (Give your opinion.)

Do you think these are African women?
Why or why not?

Why do you think he made two women pointing guns at each other?


Yinka Shonibare, Scramble for Africa.
14 mannequins, 14 chairs and table

The Artist Says...
" It was when Africa was being divided up. It was in Europe... And the conference was called Scramble for Africa. So on the table there's a map of Africa drawn. So it's capturing a moment when all these brainless people got around the table -- headless, brainless -- to actually divide up the spoils [of Africa] amongst themselves. "

Do you think most people understand this sculpture?

Why or Why Not?


Click here or on wikipedia or anywhere else you want. Read info on Yinka Shonibare.
Write down four more things about Yinka Shonibare or his artwork.
(Examples: Where he's from - What his sculptures look like - Something he said - etc.)
1. 2. 3. 4. on worksheet
Extra Credit!
Search for more images of your piece of clothing on Google and sketch them on the back of your worksheet.
Search for more images of Yinka Shonibare on Google Images and sketch one on the back of your worksheet.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The work of a student from Farragut!

Paper Mache Relief Sculptures!!
For the next project, you will be creating a relief sculpture inspired by an artwork (like the one shown above) out of paper mache.  The following blog assignment will help you get started.  

You have today only to work in the computer lab.  Respond to the questions in the blog guide from Ms. Swanson.

1. After reading from the following link, (âché) write a definition for paper mache and a definition for armature.

2. Watch the following video on creating a paper mache dragon.  What are two technique ideas for interesting things you can do with paper mache?

3. Look at the following link (
Complete the frayer model on relief sculpture from the information given on this page.

4.  Read the following requirements for creating the relief sculpture and write one question you have about creating the sculpture.

·      Use a professional artwork to form the image for your relief sculpture
·      Make at least three areas in the artwork three-dimensional using paper mache.
·      Paint the relief sculpture so it looks textured while also mixing unique colors.
·      As always, you will also be graded for craftsmanship, effort, creativity, and use of class time.

5. Look on the following website and find an image that interests you. (  Write the name of the artist, the title, and the year of this work. Then, copy only part of the image to create an interesting composition.  Remember, pay attention to kinds of lines, and how sizes and shapes of lines compare with one another.  Don't judge yourself!  You will draw it differently because you are different than the artist!  Just do your best!

6.  Search on for the artist that you used for #5.  Write three facts about this artist.

7.  Extra Credit - Look at the following link. ( Click on an artist to view more of their work.  Choose one artwork that you really like.  Write 4 sentences describing the image and 2 sentences that explain why you find it interesting.

8.  If you have time...Check your Art One grade!  Make sure you are getting the grade that you deserve!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Creating a Collograph...and some other art 1 business...due Thursday, 9/25
Please write your answer so that you know what the original question was. These are your notes! Make them useful!

Quick computer tip...if you press Ctrl N, you'll open a new window. That way, you'll have the original assignment and the links in separate windows so you can toggle between the two.

1. Go to Click on "Classes." Find this class and click on it to see the homework assignments we have had for this class. Copy the requirements down for our next project, "Creating a Collograph Print." (Don't worry if you don't know some of the vocabulary words in the requirements yet!)

2. What is the inspirational quote you were thinking of using for this project? Search for some other ideas by clicking here.

3. Before you can start thinking of how you are going to turn quote into an image, you've got to find out, WHAT IS A COLLOGRAPH?

4. Look at the photos and write the steps you need to follow to create your print. Look here to see what that process looks like.

5. And what do the end results look like? Notice how important texture is to making these prints. Make a sketch of your 3 favorite artworks and write the name of the artist. Hint: click on the image that is interesting to you so you can look at it larger! Below are some links to a few online galleries.

6. What does inspiration mean?

7. Now, what ideas do you have for your collograph print? Make a list of things or objects that could be used to show your quote. Remember, this image will be inspired by the quote...mystery in an image is good!

9. List at least 3 things an artist does to make something look farther away.

10. Trace your ID 5 times in your sketchbook. Inside of each, draw an idea for your collograph print. Remember, use two things/objects to show your quote. (Think metaphorically! Think poetically! Think mysteriously!) Make the image in the background smaller to make it look further away. Have fun! I should see at least three sketches where you are repeating the objects, just showing them in different ways. If you need to look at an image for a reference, try doing a search on google images.